Coolgirlsar Photos

Welcome to my blog, here I'll discuss goodness knows what but mostly I hope to discuss my photos that I've taken and in some cases played around with. I hope you all like what you see and please feel free to leave any comments which as always are very much appreciated and big thanks for all those kind enough to leave them.

Thank You.

Sarah. xxx

Monday, 2 June 2008

Life and My new camera the Canon EOS 450D

Firstly thank you again to all those kind comments left and apologies for not replying to them yet, I will do so and I promise I'll be visiting your blogs soon too. Life has been hectic. Firstly there was our belated House Warming Party which went really well even though the night before I got a tooth infection so didn't get any sleep couldn't eat anything because of the pain and no medicine worked... well apart from the medicine of drink yourself silly. I had a week of antibiotics, not being able to eat much and sleep and lots of pain. I've got to have a root canal done but for now I'm pain free. Then last week I had my son off school for holidays and my hubby took the week off too so we had lots of fun and days out. Hopefully now though I can get back to blogging and posting at others.

So yesterday I got a new camera. I wanted to upgrade from my point and click Olympus mju 760, which is a lovely camera but I want to be professional goddarn it. ;) I've spent the last few months reading articles, getting advise from family and friends and looking around. Everyone I asked advised me to either go for a Canon or a Nikon, the main reason why when I asked was "Well that's what the professionals go for.". It wasn't until I spoke to a nice young lady at a private camera shop in Romford that she explained fully and better than anyone else why. The reason? Even though a lot of the newer cameras coming out are getting great reviews? Simple. Canon and Nikon are well established, they have been round for many years and are likely to be round for many more. Because of that you pretty much can guarantee that you will always be able to get the attachments easily. She mentioned that the other week someone with a brand new Song camera had come in, they had bought it in the Sony shop but couldn't get any of the lens they wanted because the Song shop didn't stock them. Even though this particular shop didn't deal with the Sony cameras she said after after a few days they managed to track down what this person was after but it just shows that it's not that easy to get the paraphernalia. So that's why I ended up going for a Canon camera. Originally I was thinking of the Olympus E420 which is due out but after not being able to find out anything more than it was due out at the end of May and hasn't come out I decided to leave it.

So how is my new camera? It's wonderful. I was just a little bit nervous to use it, hell just to pick it up and touch it, it's isn't a cheap thing you know and I'm such a clutz at times. But pick it up I did, then I attached the lens and had a play around. There's lots I have to read up on and learn, I've never used and D/SLR camera before. I've so far been happy just using the auto focus/scene selection stuff which is helping me get a feel for the camera. Over the next couple weeks I'm going to devour the manual that came with it, all so many hundreds of pages of it and get practicing with the other side of photography.

Anyway as you can see I've added a few photos between paragraphs, these are all from my new camera. I'm sure I'll have lots more to add soon and other ways to manipulate them too.



Aaah, I thought you'd just left the blogosphere for good! I'm pleased to see you and your pics are back!
Welcome back to the blogosphere love!

coolgirlsar said...

Life is just so busy at times and the school holidays are due to start at the end of this week so no doubt I'll be missing for a bit more too. I wish I could hang out more. Thanks for the welcome back though, I was over at your blogs the other day, still loving themm although you make me feel old with your jamjar blog and talk of music, I need to get up to date with bands and who is who nowadays. LOL.

Take Care.


Photo-Africa said...

Love the bottom image in this post. Moody, abstract, beautiful!

Well done and good luck with new camera!