A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone. -- Author Unknown, originally uploaded by Coolgirlsar.
When I was pregnant with my son Callum I was very conscious of my weight and rather than feeling that I looked pregnant I felt more like I was just fatter looking. Sadly that meant I didn't want any photos taken and so to this day I don't think a single photo exists of me pregnant with Callum.
This time round I wanted to make sure I had at least one photo or more of me pregnant and so every few weeks I get Daz to take a photo of me, well he tries he hates taking photos. Now I'm not one of those that is very good at taking self portraits but I didn't want to keep burdening Daz with taking photos of me plus I wanted to try and get some different than just full length type shots. Here's what I came up with. Out of the ones I took this is the one I liked best and then I messed around a bit with it in picnik.