For a long time I've wanted to get a photo or two of my own printed up onto canvas. I've shied away so far because of the costs and not too sure where to go. Well yesterday while shopping in Romford, Essex I came upon a new business called Photo 2 Canvas and they were offering fairly good prices, good enough for me to enquire about and to then decide I'll get some. The problem now though is deciding which two photos I want to print up. I've narrowed it down to wanting photos of Callum in and prefably ones of him on his own and I'm pretty certain this will be one of them:
But choosing that second photo and having to wade through
over 2,500 photos is a hard job. There are a few other photos that my husband Daz and I are very fond on but personally I am not sure how they will look transferred onto canvas. Then there are photos that I would have printed up but I know from experience of printing them onto photo paper that the quality is not good enough which is a shame.
This photo is one of Daz' favourite and at the moment may well be my second choice.
However there is this photo which a few people we know have said they like:
Then I think should I maybe just have one potrait photo done and then say a still life photo that I've taken printed up, like say this photo:
Like I said it's a hard choice. So if anyone does read this and fancy having a nose through my photos and leaving a suggestion I'd be happy to hear what that choice would be.